About Tefillin International Academy (TIA)
Tefillin International Academy (TIA) was created with the aim of spreading the Bible recitation learning method “Tefillin Education” to the whole world, which the Jewish people have passed down for over2500 years. Our particular focus is children from the age of 4 to 14, teaching them so they can make the Word of God their standard of value on all things, basing their judgment and actions on the Bible.
Therefore, we educate our students by making them recite the Word of God when they wake up in the morning, sleep at night, walk down the road, so that it will become part of them. When the Word is engraved in the hearts of children and overflows, their character, intelligence, health, and behavior will be prepared, polished and heightened in every aspect. We will nurture future world leaders who will rebuild this world into a God-pleasing “tove” (perfect, beautiful, good) condition.
Training & dispatching of lecturers
We will dispatch lecturers who can teach Tefillin Education and hold seminars to train lecturers.
- History and background of Tefillin Education
- Impact of Tefillin Education (Jews and Gentiles)
- Practice of Tefillin Education (family and church)
- Follow up of lecturers’ network and information after seminars

Dr. Kim Hyun Jung (Ph.D.,Th.D.)
- Vice President, Cohen University & Theological Seminary
- Secretary General, Tefillin International Academy (TIA)
- Tefillin lecturer, CBS Christian Broadcast
- President, Jun Bible College
He is Vice-Governor of Cohen University and is living abroad over 300 days as a “walking university” who takes charge of lectures at Cohen School, and lectures over 15,000 pastors and missionaries.
Established Jun Bible College as the first educational institution to cultivate talented people who become leaders of the world through “Tefillin Education” in English.
In February 2018 he was awarded the first “Gentile Honor Rabbi” recognition as a non-Jewish congregation by the religious authority under the Israel government under the evaluation of the Hebrew study.

Pastor Kazuya Hayashi
- Doctor of Theology, Cohen University & Theological Seminary
- Representative, Cohen Japan Learning Center
- Japan Representative, Tefillin International Academy (TIA)
- Pastor, Voice of Christ Church, Yokohama, Japan.
Pastor Hayashi also serves as the Japan Representative of the World Tefillin Academy and practices tefillin in Japanese, English, and Korean.
In his pastoral work, Pastor Hayashi gives 10 different messages in 11 services every week, including early morning messages from Monday to Friday, day and night Wednesday prayer meetings, an off-campus message on Tuesdays, an all-night prayer meeting on Fridays, and Sunday services.
In addition, Pastor Hayashi tackles a busy schedule which involves preparation of the Japanese Cohen Learning Center held three times a year, studies at Cohen Graduate School held three times a year and weekly discipleship training for foreigners at Tokyo and Ibaraki.
His only and favorite pastime is taking a tefillin walk (reciting tefillin while walking).
At Cohen Graduate School, he was awarded the Best Thesis Award and graduated with first-class honors.

Pastor Yukie Kawai
- Education Pastor, Voice of Christ Church, Yokohama, Japan.
- Master of Theology, Cohen University & Theological Seminary
For more than thirty years, Pastor Kawai has devoted herself to mission work in Japan.
She has contributed to the founding of four churches,and has trained many pastors and those in ministry.
In particular, through her evangelism for the homeless, she has trained many former-homeless workers in ministry.
She keenly senses the necessity of education on the Word of God that is closely related to everyday life in the land of Japan, where the Gospel is stubbornly rejected.
After many years of prayer, Pastor Kawai was successful in bringing to Japan Cohen University, which practices life-conscious Gospel teaching based on Hebrew thinking, and Dr. Kim Hyung Jong, the leading expert in Tefillin Education.
At Cohen University, she was awarded the Best Thesis Award and graduated with first-class honors.
Monitoring Volunteers
Participants for article content Monitoring Volunteers wanted
We are looking for families or churches that practice Tefillin Education and can volunteer as monitors in cooperating with the production of articles.
Tefillin Education brings about significant results by families and churches working as one.
Pastors of Korean churches first practiced Tefillin in their own homes, and witnessed the change in their children,
Many church members were eager to participate and began to practice it. Now, we have inquiries from other churches and parents as well.
The family of pastors in China’s largest church practice Tefillin Education and are now practicing tefillin (Scripture reciting) in Chinese, English, Hebrew, Greek, and Japanese.
Also in Japan, work has begun among believers in Yokohama City (Kanagawa Pref.) and Narita City (Chiba Pref.).
Online communication using Skype and other video chat tools is also possible,
so if you are interested, please contact us and we will be happy to explain the details.
Our office is currently centered on activities in Asia including Japan,
but we hope to be able to share videos and testimonies of people who practice the recitation of the Bible around the world.

A large amount of funds will be necessary for the establishment of the media business and school for the Tefillin Education we advocate, and therefore we are asking interested parties to make donations for the following purpose.
Please help us in changing the world through Tefillin Education.
Donations are accepted by groups and individuals, respectively.
1st phase
START UP- Costs for establishing Tefillin Education media infrastructure
[Contents creation and management] Article content production cost (video / text / photos / interviews) Translation cost of article content into languages around the world Advertising cost to promote our organization to the entire world Development cost for mobile app to support Tefillin Education for Christians worldwide in multiple languages System development cost for community mediaGoal:$500,000.00 -
2nd phase
NEXT STEP- Costs for establishing the Japan Cohen Learning Center
Establish an educational institution in Japan to train lecturers based on Tefillin Education, based on the success in Korea.[Instructor education / dispatch costs] Training teachers who can practice and teach Tefillin around the world Creating a Tefillin lecturer educational curriculum Promotion for lecturer dispatch business Implementation of seminar operations worldwide Educational content production (text &video) Build and operate lecturers’ online community [Capital investment] Building / Land purchase / Facility maintenance / Equipment / Materials Agricultural land (research and practice of Biblical agriculture)Goal:$1,000,000.00 -
3rd phase
EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE - Costs for building educational institution for training world-class personnel.
[Jun Bible College] Management / worldwide expansion of a specialized university that studies only the Old Testament & New Testament and practices Tefillin Support of Jun Bible College in Korea, managed by Dr. Kim Hyung Jong. [Establishment of Tefillin Learning Center] Tefillin Education for 4 to 14 year-olds Training leaders in politics, economics and the arts,who can manage and rule righteously Establishment of a specialized educational institution where students can learn from leading experts in all fields of the world [Management of the Tefillin Fund] Personnel and financial support of entrepreneurs and managers who have received Tefillin Education Support of institutions and churches around the world affiliated with Tefillin EducationGoal:$50,000,000.00
Do not work for food that spoils,
but for food that endures to eternal life,
which the Son of Man will give you.
For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.
John 6:27
The Secretary Bases
Seoul, Korea


New York, USA

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

New Delhi, India

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso