I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 16:19
Change Tokyo 2020 by Bible
“People who have wealth but lack understanding are like the animals that perish.”
(Psalm 49:20 NIV)
At the end of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics closing ceremony on August 21, 2016, a promotional video of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 was shown.
The first scene in the video depicted Shibuya, a district that is built around the largest pedestrian crossing in Japan.
To Christians, Shibuya is a city like Sodom and Gomorrah.
On November 5, 2015, the Shibuya Ward became famous as the first district in Japan for publicly recognizing gay marriage.
As you climb up the hill from the large pedestrian crossing in Shibuya, you will find old, multi-purpose buildings lining the streets.
This area is on the verge of destruction.
Classroom Breakdown in Japanese Schools
In Japanese elementary schools, “Classroom Breakdown” has become a problem, and often famous elementary schools in Tokyo are covered in the press on this topic.
Making a lot of noise during class, standing up and walking around, running fast in corridors, throwing things…
It is most probably unthinkable in the United States for such actions to occur continuously in schools. If these happened at schools in the United States, the teacher would probably warn the students strictly on the spot, and appropriate action will be taken immediately.
In Japan, “Classroom Breakdown” refers to a phenomenon where a classroom becomes dysfunctional in terms of group education, and lessons cannot be held. It has become a problem all over the country in recent years. It is currently said that 1-2 classrooms in all elementary schools have collapsed.
In the case of lower grades, the majority of behaviors include walking around in the classroom or disturbing the lesson to seek the attention of the teacher. It is a series of selfish speech and behavior due to immaturity that eventually can lead to the collapse of the classroom system.
On the other hand, Classroom Breakdown in higher grades is more serious. Most of the cases are convulsively causing disruption to the lessons, due to daily stress or backlash towards the school. The situation is becoming unbearable. For example, here is an account of a witness who visited a sixth-grade class at an elementary school:
The teacher is speaking to the whole class but only one to four students were listening.The other students were either sleeping, playing with a ball at the back of the classroom, listening to music with headphones, playing cards or reading manga comics.One case involved students throwing a large amount of sand from a classroom window, and when a teacher on the lower floor looked out the window, they spit on their face.
Unbelieve isn’t it? But this is actually happening.
Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced in a 2018 survey that there were 5,077 public school teachers who have taken leave of absence due to mental illness. This is an increase of 186 compared to the previous year.
“Part-Time Job Terrorism” Rampant In Japan
Part-time job terrorism (baitotero) is a Japanese social phenomenon; part-time employees perform pranks and stunts,
such as climbing into ice cream freezers or holding their body horizontally suspended, more colloquiably termed ‘planking’, on the counter-tops at fast-food restaurants,
usually with the sole purpose of gaining recognition from their peers through the photos and / or videos they later display on social media sites.
This social phenomenon commonly involved people with either lack of education or high job dissatisfaction—a factor which is commonly cited by the media alongside low pay and ardimensionally long working hours.
Though pranks such as the aforetioned would not be seen as many shocks by many other cultures
In the US media, the similar problem is described as “gross fast food employees” that can cause serious damage to a brand’s reputation.
Japanese culture is often associated with long hours, some individuals working as many as 60 hours a week.
Such working hours are associated with mental and physiological health compliances,
with Japanese newspapers citing rare cases of spontaneous death, informally known as .To complicate matters further,
Japanese offices are often noisy, smoke-filled (due to lack of smoking laws) environments and this may have further adverse effects on the health and well-being of employees.
Part-time job terrorism might in this context be a form of escapism, disenchanted employees gaining support from their peers outside of work to compensate for the praise or reward their working life lacks.
The social phenomena emerging around the summer of 2013, when internet-based Japanese news agencies such as Yukan-news recorded such an incident.
with more traditional news agencies later following suit. In Japanese the social phenomenon is termed baitotero.
The name stems from the Japanese word baito, which means “part-time job” and is a loan-word originating from the German arbeit, meaning “work”.
Japanese employers are disturbed by such unacceptable behaviors,
employees, in some circumstances, penalties and punishment can range from termination to employment to a civil suit;
can be held financially accountable for loss of business due to the negative publicity.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Japan: “The Graveyard Of Missionaries”
Centuries ago, there was severe persecution of Christians in Japan, and the blood of more than one million martyrs were shed.
Many missionaries were sent to Japan from various parts of the world, who put sweat and blood into their work for God.
Despite such effort, even today, some statistics say the number of believers has not much surpassed the 1% barrier of the Japanese population.
Japan has been called “the graveyard of missionaries” and has been a subject of studies by theologians. It is a spiritually barren land, a land of hardened hearts of iron, in terms of Christianity.
Japan may have eight million false gods, but without Jesus Christ the souls of the Japanese do not recognize their Creator, hence act like animals that have lost their original humanity, wandering rootless.
Adults in Japan, who should be setting an example for their children, make working for a living their only anchorage in life, and try to relieve their stress with vain pleasures.
Therefore, the adults cannot offer their children the training of righteousness and correction through the Word of God.
They do not know the difference between physical punishment and admonition. If a child receives no education, they would be like a child that is raised by wolves.
And it is the children who are most vulnerable, as they are placed under the control of such adults.
Children act on their own desires, their defenseless minds are filled with evil information of the world that enter from their eyes and ears, and they cannot control themselves.
Young Japanese people have a quick temper, are unstable, cannot build good human relationships, become withdrawn or depressed, and some eventually end their own lives.
This is because they do not have the Word of Jesus Christ within themselves.
Spiritual zombies. Truly living hell. That is the spiritual situation of the Japanese.
My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within; my heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed, because children and infants faint in the streets of the city.
They say to their mothers, “Where is bread and wine?” as they faint like the wounded in the streets of the city, as their lives ebb away in their mothers’ arms.
(Lamentations 2:11-12)
Lamentations is said to be the song of Jeremiah who lamented that the people of Israel were captured by Babylon and Jerusalem was devastated.
Even though Jeremiah warned the people of Israel of the prophecy of God and warned them to listen to God’s Word, as a result of not obeying God, babies and the younglings of Israel were dying out.
However, we have finally found a way to open a possible new approach to present the Gospel in Japan, a land of hardened hearts of iron.
The Best Education Based On The Word Of Jesus
(Tefillin : Reciting Bible over Several Thousand verses)
Is Necessary For Spiritual Recovery
Children are a gift from God, and they are entrusted to us adults so we can nurture them with the Word of God.
One of the nations who knew about this better than any other and have practiced it for over 2500 years are the Jewish people.
The Jewish people make their children recite the Torah (Moses’ 5 books of the Old Testament).
We believe that the reason we teach our children how to speak is so they can recite the Word of God.
Jewish people recite the Word of God, they make it a part of themselves, make it their way of life, and pass it down scrupulously to the next generation. The reason why the Jewish people have been so successful despite being scattered all over the world, even after 2000 years of exile, and why their faith is so deeply rooted and they have survived as a people, is because of Tefillin, their education approach based on the Word of God.
Meanwhile, even though Christians are passionate about evangelism, because they have not passed the Word of God on to their children, revivals of faith have repeatedly occurred but then disappeared worldwide.
The world’s five major religions memorize and recite their own scriptures, except for Christianity. Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism; these beliefs all have no life in them but have survived because they recite their scriptures.
Furthermore, there is an increase in the number of believers in Islam and Hinduism, which urge their children to recite sutra and sharia.
Today, we believe that it is time for Christians, not only in Japan but also all over the world, to return to the Hebrew thinking that was alive during the apostolic times, which involved reciting the Word of God and incorporating it into ones’ life.
By incorporating Tefillin education, which is advocated by theologians active around the world, we are starting to see the rebellious and disobedient nature of children changed into being obedient and respectful to their parents, leading to a tremendous rise in their academic abilities, and through God’s Word, they are developing into talented leaders in all areas worldwide.
In Japan, since around 2016, Tefillin education has been started on several Japanese children. And such is the change in the children who practice Tefillin that a non-believing father recognized the achievements of this education approach and began to participate in worship services!
Just as our Lord manifested himself as the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the inheritance of faith becomes rock-solid when it is built up over three generations with the same god, the same Word, and the same faith.
If Japan Changes, the World Will Change
Young people today are wealthy in material things, but have no enlightenment, and like animals live only to satisfy their desires.
Shibuya is an area where many such young people gather.
We want to build a new church and Tefillin school in Shibuya.
We would like to see the glory of the Lord Jesus in Japan by building a Tefillin school in the Shibuya, a modern-day Babylon.
The administrator of this website (who is Japanese) quit his job in the secular world when they received the Words of John 6:27, and decided to concentrate on the work of Tefillin education which builds up people with the Word of God, including media management of our organization.
We would like to ask for your support for our work.
However, it will cost a huge amount of money in order to realize in Japan a Tefillin school, which proved to be successful in Korea.
If Japan changes, so will the world.
We do not want to forget the love and efforts of the missionaries who came from all over the world who dedicated themselves to evangelize Japan.
By making Tefillin a fruitful work, we would like to show our gratitude to missionaries in Japan.
Therefore, we would like to ask for your financial support so that our work can be expanded and continued.
We are also recruiting people who can work together with us for this purpose.
Reciting Bible 1189
– Protestant Reformation 500th anniversary ceremonial worship –
This is a video of “Reciting Bible 1189” produced by CBS (Christian Broadcasting System) in Korea, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
On July 9, 2017, a special commemoration Sunday service was held at the Kreutzkirche church in Stuttgart, Germany, where the Protestant Reformation started. In conjunction with this, we introduce a video project in which children from around the world recited all 1,189 chapters of the Bible, each chapter in various ethnic languages.
Special Supported by 
(Christian Broadcasting System Korea)
Our Staff (Training & dispatching of lecturers)
We will dispatch lecturers who can teach Tefillin Education and hold seminars to train lecturers.
- History and background of Tefillin Education
- Impact of Tefillin Education (Jews and Gentiles)
- Practice of Tefillin Education (family and church)
- Follow up of lecturers’ network and information after seminars
We will continue to provide for you high quality contents from now on.
To do this, we need funds for operation and activities.
please support us, even a small amount!
Please donate via “Waygiver” (Christian Crowdfunding)
A large amount of funds will be necessary for the establishment of the media business
and school for the Tefillin Education we advocate,
and therefore we are asking interested parties to make donations for the following purpose.
Please help us in changing the world through Tefillin Education.
Donations are accepted by groups and individuals, respectively.
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What is “Tefillin Education” & “Hebrew Thinking”?
Testimonial Stories of Success
When I looked at how the child were learning at this kindergarten, I wanted to learn too!
Tefillin Preschool student’s parents AToday, families, churches, and schools are now united by faith.
Children, when they are young children, decide what kind of adult they will be, depending on which soil they will be rooted on.Today, families, churches, and schools are now united by faith.Tefillin Preschool student’s parents BTefillin is not to "remember the words" but rather "to organize the word."
Tefillin School TeacherAfter coming here and connecting with Jesus in my life, I am experiencing life together with God.
Tefillin School Student DThrough this education, I have been able to understand who I am.
In the past, I was depressed and passive and I did not have a spontaneous or positive attitude.Through His Word, I now understood my identity.Tefillin School Student CWhat I learned the most from my three years of education is the value of knowing why I am alive.
Before coming to this school I had no goal other than to get up early and go to school after eating breakfast. I never set any goals. Now however, I have found out how I am going to live and have goals for my life.Tefillin School Student BI want to heal people's minds and as a opportunity to tell others about God's Word. Especially for Japanese.
I entered this school and found out that the Lord says that I have a frustrating feeling for Japan.I graduated from school and majored in Psychology.I want to heal people's mindsand to use psychology as a opportunity to tell others about God's Word.Especially for Japanese.God's Word relaxes people's hearts through its truths.Tefillin School Student Athe 4th industrial revolution is happening now.
Allow me to talk about the 4th industrial revolution which is happening now.Some people say that 60% of the current occupations that are available now will be gone within 15 years from now.I can not imagine about the new occupations which will emerge in 10 years. So, which way should our education go? The direction we should head is in the perfect Word that God has given us.Principal of tefillin schoolThere is no hope without "Tefillin Education".
We must educate our children with Tefillin Education because they are the next generation of workers. Our children must be educated with God's Word not only to bring them to society, and also so that they can bring others into the church.Other than that there is no hope.To succeed in our goal need authenticated data and clear testimonies.Pastor Yukie Kawai
Thevit Christian School (Korea) Series
Schools Successful by “Tefillin Education”
Our Trusted Supporting Partners
Tefillin(Bible Reciting) Around The World
John 1:43-51 JPN
John 1:43−51 JPN&ENG
John 8:49-53 ENG
John 8:49-53 JPN
Prov3:21 ENG
Rev11:1−10 ENG
How to Succeed in Inheriting Faith to Your Descendants
Jesus Christ said about himself, ”I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” (John 6:51)
Sermons in “Hebrew Thinking” & “Tefillin Education”
The Secretary Bases
Seoul, Korea


New York, USA

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Tsumeb Namibia

Nagaland, India

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso