- 1 What motivated them to set up this school was that they took Dr.Kim’s “Tefillin” seminar.
- 2 There are now two current trends in our modern society which are the reasons why we are engaged in Tefillin education.
- 3 In order for the plane to take off a “runway” is necessary.
- 4 Who will succeed? Who can study? Can anyone be the best? A good college graduate?
- 5 A person who exceeds the limit succeeds.
- 6 Bridge SE (System Engineer) is a communicator that connects my company and overseas developers.
What motivated them to set up this school was that they took Dr.Kim’s “Tefillin” seminar.
“This church has woken up to Tefillin because Hebrew thinking makes them passionate and hot.
When the teacher and the people of the church share their visions with each other, they become exactly the same.”
At the very time, Dr. Kim introduced Cohen University to them.
This is by no means a coincidence.
There are now two current trends in our modern society which are the reasons why we are engaged in Tefillin education.
This generation has a deep sense of hopelessness.
As people try to solve their feelings of hopelessness and manage it somehow,
we give them the opportunity to meet and practice Tefillin.
People who practice hard have found that “Tefillin is the only way to live”
and has been a solution to their helplessness.
On the other hand, people who failed to do Tefillin as “a methodology to survive”
continue to have feelings of hopelessness.
In order for the plane to take off a “runway” is necessary.
If an airplane tries to fly without a runway, the plane will have an accident.
Corresponding to the time of the Lord in the establishment of our school Principal/Pastor Shin made a conclusion that
“There is no future unless we change the education of the next generation.”
We operated our church library and created a space so that mothers unrelated to Christianity could use the library with their children.
Additionally, mothers in the church started to homeschool their children and made “A Child’s House.”
Because of these over lapping incidents, we were able to build an “airfield” and a “runway” for the plane to takeoff.
The “Tefillin Education” came at the same time we were discussing how to help airplane stake off.
Who will succeed? Who can study? Can anyone be the best? A good college graduate?
An experiment was held at Harvard University 40 years ago.
Who will succeed? Who can study? Can anyone be the best? A good college graduate?
After setting goals, we let everyone do small things to accomplish the goals.
Experimenters say that although people can climb the same mountain, there are diverse ways in which they can climb.
Some people get tired on the way and whisper and mutter to themselves about why they are climbing the mountain.
Such people have limits.
The successful people are those who go beyond the limitation of asking themselves “Why I am I doing this troublesome thing?”
In fact, those who succeeded beyond their limits, regardless of their grades did not succeed because they started earlier or later in life.
Experimenters saw those people 40 years later.
The man who succeeded and reached his goal was successful because he knew why he wanted to do it at the time of the experiment started.
A person who exceeds the limit succeeds.
It is easy for everyone to start. One mother said, “I found that I hit a limit in about a year after doing Tefillin.”
However, she knew that she could not succeed if she stopped when she hit the one-year limit.
She knew that she could succeed beyond the limit that she was feeling.
The people who become professionals in music and sports do so because they have learned how to exceed their perceived limits.
To realize one’s limit is one step. Then, step by step we practice and learn how to go beyond our old limits and set new goals for ourselves.
In Korea alone there are over 1,000 people studying Tefillin from me and there are also thousands of others all over the world who are studying Tefillin also.
All people who are studying face the same conditions in that everyone has limits.
It is the same with learning from me. To complete ther goals they have learned to go past thier prior limits.
People who can go to the end which is beyond their prior limit, even when they are learning, are the ones who are still succeeding.
Let’s look at the results of a Harvard University study.
In that study, researchers tracked study group participants for 40 years to see what has happened in their lives after forty years.
The Harvard research study found that people who reached their limit and stopped going forward have not been successful in their lives.
The research study also found that people who exceeded their limits have said that their lives have been successful.
Bridge SE (System Engineer) is a communicator that connects my company and overseas developers.
Bridge SE is a SE system that connects not only IT skills but also business practices of such as languages and cultures across countries (e.g. China and Japan).
The Bridge SE system instructs learners how to proceed smoothly across cultures.
In today’s global business environment, in addition to abilities in SE, additional abilities such as project management and language ability may be required.
The occupation of such roles is very marketable now throughout the whole world.
Even now, the disciples of this church have gone beyond this difficulty and they have succeeded.
They have succeeded as Tevit Church members, as people, and yes, in Unisys as well.
I think that it is most important to take care of yours sence. If you do that then you will be OK.
If you thing to the best of your ability, then God will surely take your responsibility and He will bring us satisfied results.
This is the conclusion today.
The Thevit Church has moved to their bigger location for three years and now they are on the narrow path that leads to life with Jesus.
(Pastor Yukie Kawai)
We must educate our children with Tefillin Education because they are the next generation of workers.
Our children must be educated with God’s Word not only to bring them to society, and also so that they can bring others into the church.
Other than that there is no hope.
To succeed in our goal need authenticated data and clear testimonies.
Thevit Christian School